الجمعة, 14 مارس 2025 | 9:21 صباحًا

Great Pyramids of Giza Plateau this October 2023


 Following on the success of the first and second edition
Art D’Egypte/Culturvator officially announces that the much anticipated third edition of the internationally acclaimed art exhibition Forever Is Now will be taking place at the Great Pyramids of Giza Plateau this October 2023.

The Public Opening Day is slated for 26th October 2023, with this year’s exhibition set to run until 18th November 2023. The exhibition will be held under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the patronage of National Commissions for UNESCO with the participation of international and local artists.

“Forever Is Now 03 sees our vision truly going global. CulturVator is now an international entity representing Egypt on a world scale, while Art D’Egypte acts as a cultural bridge taking our vision from local, to regional to international. This year we look to the future, while honoring our past, and staying rooted in the now. Our curatorial theme is centered around play, and the idea that hope is our driving force, as we once again aim to push the envelope and present something novel every year,”
Nadine Abdel Ghaffar Founder & Curator Art D’Egypte.

Forever Is Now 03: The Future is Ours
Forever Is Now is a contemporary art exhibition that brings together artists from throughout the region and the world to contemplate the wonder of an ancient civilization through the lens created by their present-day interests, concerns, and passions. Located at the 4500-year-old UNESCO world heritage site, the Pyramids of Giza and the surrounding plateau, the exhibition seeks to question the new era of technology and cultural change by juxtaposing treasured cultural heritage with the rich diversity of contemporary art practice. It is designed to trace the continuity of themes that stretch from the storied past to the present day—as well as to hope and dream about the future of humanity.

Forever Is Now 03 is an ode to the enchantment of ancient Egypt’s cultural heritage, and the contemporary installations are a testament to the continual evolution of art. Taking place during a tumultuous time that sees our present disturbed in myriad ways, the exhibition is an homage to the continuum of our civilisation and our relentless pursuit of life. Hope and faith are anchored within our knowledge of the past and in the unwavering belief that there is no conception of the future without history. We look at the narrative of past achievements to find inspiration for successive generations. Forever is Now 03 is not simply a revival of this history, however, for the past can never be complete in the present. Rather, it is a contribution to a contemporary artistic legacy in a place of worldwide historical significance.

Previous Years of FIN

Art D’Egypte by Culturvator celebrated the great success of the second edition of the international art exhibition Forever Is Now II or FIN II, held at the great Pyramids of Giza October 2022. A diverse group of 12 international and regional artists showcased their artwork at the foot of the Pyramids, creating a conversation between contemporary and ancient art, between the past and the future. An internationally acclaimed exhibition at an unmatched UNESCO World Heritage Site, and an exhibition held under the

patronage of UNESCO and the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

FIN II welcomed several prominent public figures, most notably Her Majesty the mother Queen Sofia of Spain; Michael Bloomberg, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Ambitions and Solutions and former Mayor of New York City; the Minister of Culture and Youth for the United Arab Emirates, Her excellency Noura Al Kaabi; and a group of professional artists from Tate Britain.


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